David T. Witherspoon
The Strategies That Works, LLC is a company dedicated to curating ideas and information to launch business to the next level, is excited to highlight one of our five presenters who will share their insights on transforming and transitioning your business for the next destination on May 7th 2020 at the Conference Center of Sheppard Pratt from 7:30 a.m. - Noon.
We are honored to have David Witherspoon, MBA, CVA, CEPA as part of our panel of experts. David is the Director of Advisory Services at KatzAbosch, a regional CPA and business consulting firm. David has provided consulting services to small and middle-market businesses for more than 20 years. In addition to leading the valuation and litigation support services division for KatzAbosch, David specializes in business valuation creation, exit planning, modeling and financial consulting. At the presentation David will be speaking about how to align your long-term personal, business and financial goals with your business ownership. He will also discuss business value enhancement and risk management matters to be considered around this topic.
“David’s breadth of experience in the accounting/financial service landscape will be invaluable for the panel,” states Larry Wilner, founder of The Strategies That Work, LLC.” “He has a way of discussing these complicated matters that are digestible and relevant to real-world realities. His intimate knowledge of these strategies and how they may impact an owner’s legacy will provide great dialogue to the panel and should not be missed.”
Additional panel participants, who are equally invested in the world of transition and transformation and who will be presenting at the May conference include:
- Charles L. Maskell, Jr., Founder &Managing Director of Chesapeake Corporate Advisors
- George Nemphos, Attorney and Co-Founder of Nemphos Braue
- Chris McDonell, President and CEO of McDonell Consulting Group
- John Morgan, CEPA, Managing Director, Partner of Verdence Capital Advisors
You can view a complete schedule for the day and register for this morning of great panelists and content on our website;
https://thestrategiesthatwork.com/. Take advantage of our early bird special through the end of February.
If you would like more information about this event, please call Larry Wilner at 443.465.8300 or email Larry@thestrategiesthatwork.com
ABOUT OUR PRESENTER’S FIRM: As a Maryland accounting firm, KatzAbosch’s mission is to provide the highest quality accounting, tax, financial and management consulting services to their regional clients. They understand the needs and challenges of their clients and have made it their obligation to create,grow and protect asset value. Read more about KatzAbosch here!
ABOUT THE STRATEGIES THAT WORK, LLC: The Strategies That Work, LLC is a company dedicated to curating ideas and information that launch businesses to the next level. You can see the past events at www.thestrategiesthatwork.com.