Jason Hull, Sabal Capital Partners; David Strouse, Birchwood Capital Partners; Al Szydlowski, SunTrust Bank and John Hutch, JP2 Architects.
Upon entering a converted warehouse in Baltimore City aptly named Urban Axes, more than sixty guests of Sabal Capital Partners were handed a name tag, sharpened axe, and instructed to move to a caged area housing a row of bull’s eye targets. Waivers were signed although unnecessary, as the worst injury ever suffered at Urban Axes was a splinter in someone’s finger. But, more on that later.
Stephanie Perkins, SunTrust Bank; Lourden Hamilton, SunTrust Bank; Jay Turahkia, SunTrust Bank; Jim Ries, Offit Kurman and Aubrey Hopkins, Sabal Capital Partners.
Michael Mirsky, The Battery Group; David Kurrle, Sabal Capital Partners and Jim Ries, Offit Kurman.
“We were looking for a summer event but didn’t want to do the same old crab feast,” explained David Kurrle, Production Manager for Sabal Capital Partners. “Instead, we wanted to execute something completely different and memorable -- Urban Axes fit the bill,” he said as the sound of axe striking wood echoed all around him.
Following some group instructions such as (1) handle your axe and your axe only, (2) never retrieve your axe until your partner has completed their toss, (3) slightly wiggle the handle to remove the axe from the wood if it is stuck and never touch the target to avoid splinters, the participants were provided individual training. You quickly understand that velocity is not the most important element in a successful toss, but perfectly the rotation surely is. That, and utilizing proper form and follow-through. Both two-hand and one-hand techniques were demonstrated. The common mistake being made was using a “throwing motion,” rather than allowing the axe handle to flow freely from the hand and wrist.
John Hutch, JP2 Architects demonstrates his two-hand over-the-head form.
Gordy Chapline, EBI Consulting; Lourden Hamilton, SunTrust Bank; Sam Crowther, Lee & Associates.
Glancing around the warehouse, it was easy to determine who was quickly grasping the art of axe throwing and who would likely never would. One young man was nailing bull’s eye after bull’s eye. “I am getting some stress out right now. This is fun and my technique is working.” From every corner of the room, you could hear laughter and then howls when an axe found its mark.
Several participants found success with the one-hand approach.
Aubrey Hopkins, Sabal Capital Partners and Adam Kleeman, CohnReznick take instructions from Urban Axes trainer.
But Sabal Capital Partners doesn’t just organize highly-coveted events. It is also a powerhouse commercial real estate lending company focused in the small balance commercial multifamily loan space. Sabal has originated more than $3 billion nationally through its wholesale lending platform. The company’s exclusive network of brokers and bank partners enable increased revenue, exceptional borrower satisfaction and reduced effort navigating small balance, stabilized multifamily loans.
Has Adam Kleeman of CohnReznick stumbled onto a new tax-cutting mechanism?
“We consistently enjoy great success when working with Sabal Capital Partners,” explained David Strouse, President and CEO at Birchwood Capital Partners, while taking a break from his axe-throwing instruction. “My clients appreciate the products, which always feature the most attractive pricing available in the marketplace and the Sabal team understands the importance of timely responses and delivery. They also like not paying extra fees in the transaction and keeping their clients.”
Learn more about Sabal Capital Partners by visiting www.sabalcap.com or by contacting David Kurrle david.kurrle@sabalcap.com or Aubrey Hopkins aubrey.hopkins@sabalcap.com in the Maryland office.