MidAtlantic Farm Credit Announces 2018 Election Results


Brian L. Boyd

Local agricultural lender, MidAtlantic Farm Credit, has announced the results of their 2018 board of directors and nominating committee elections.

MidAtlantic Farm Credit has announced the results of their 2018 board of directors and nominating committee elections.

The board of director elections winners are: Brian L. Boyd (Keystone election region); Michael S. Nelson (Central Maryland election region); Douglas D. Scott (Chesapeake election region); and Fred N. West (Delaware election region). Each member of the board of directors was elected to a four year term. There were no open positions in MidAtlantic’s Marva or Valley election regions.

Those elected to the 2019 nominating committee are: Kathleen W. Carr and William R. Rasche, Jr. (Central Maryland election region); J. Brian Quinn and Michael D. Brown (Chesapeake election region); Fred N. West III and Adam R. Dickerson (Delaware election region); Glenn S. Zimmerman and Earl R. Zimmerman (Keystone election region); Travis L. Goslee and Lee W. Richardson (Marva election region); Michael W. Orr and Dudley H. Rinker (Valley election region). Each member of the nominating committee was elected to a one year term.

MidAtlantic Farm Credit is a member-owned cooperative, and part of the national Farm Credit System. The Association’s board of directors and nominating committee members are Farm Credit borrowers, elected by other borrowers, and work together to make sure the Association continues to fulfill their mission to support America’s farming families.

“One of the many benefits of being a member of a cooperative is being able to elect the directors and nominating committee members who will work to make sure the association continues to grow and serve all of its members,” says Tom Truitt, CEO of MidAtlantic Farm Credit. “We appreciate everyone who took the time to vote in this year’s election. Thank you for making your voices heard.”

The 2018 election took place via mail, with the ballots going out to all voting stockholders in April. For more information about MidAtlantic Farm Credit’s board of directors, or to learn how you can become a candidate for a board position, please visit mafc.com/about/board-of- directors/.

About MidAtlantic Farm Credit

MidAtlantic Farm Credit is an agricultural lending cooperative owned by its member‐borrowers. It provides farm loans for land, equipment, livestock and production; crop insurance; and rural home mortgages. The co-op has over 11,400 members and over $2.71 billion in loans outstanding. MidAtlantic has branches serving Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. It is part of the national Farm Credit System, a network of financial cooperatives established in 1916 to provide a dependable source of credit to farmers and rural America.

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