I had lunch today with Colleen McKenna the CEO of Intero Advisory
Colleen's LinkedIn love and evangelism started in 2011 when she founded Intero Advisory to focus on "unlocking the power of LinkedIn".
Colleen and my local B2B relationship dates to the 20th century when she was an executive at the BBJ and I was scion/publisher of The Daily Record - ancien analog regime.
In the early 21st century we found a mutual love - LinkedIn.
The lunch was a LinkedIn love catchup. What was her take on LinkedIn's latest moves - video? the Microsoft acquisition?
My observations related to LinkedIn's history and the Microsoft acquisition. Microsoft likes moats; thus justifying the largest acquisition in their history. My digital media and moat watching purview was related to LinkedIn's intriguing acquisitions.
In 2014 LinkedIn acquired newsle a machine learning startup that delivered news based on your contacts and Bizo - a $175 million acquisition of B2B marketing platform and ad network. Impressive moat building.
I loved both newsle and Bizo before my LinkedIn commitment.
I will post Colleen insights and observations in my articles section. If you're ready for LinkedIn love, you can contact her Colleen McKenna or if you want to target CEOs directly contact me.
Here were Colleen's insights:
• If you’re using LinkedIn recreationally stick with LinkedIn.com and if you are all tagged with prospecting, securing and growing your business, take a look at LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It’s the go-to tool for our clients. LinkedIn has removed Premium features to prompt people to move to Sales Navigator.
• If you write original content take a look at using LinkedIn as a publishing platform and get more mileage from your content than you can by just posting or using your website. Click the Write an Article from the top of your LinkedIn Home Page. Now if you don’t write original content don’t click Write an Article. If you are posting someone else’s content just click on Share an article, photo or update.
LinkedIn wants you to be a good social citizen. Engage with other people’s content. Give them some love by sharing, liking or commenting on their posts. Be the person who starts the conversation.
Pay attention to your Google Analytics. See how much traffic goes to your website from LinkedIn. Try to get beyond the average of 46% of social traffic originating from LinkedIn.
And, finally, even after all of these years, your if your profile isn’t updated, complete and client or candidate focused, you’re missing opportunities to inform, inspire and engage with others.
If you are interested in your business you should be interested in learning how LinkedIn really works. You leverage LinkedIn, you and your team will find the right people for the right opportunities.