Kristin Baja
Congratulations are in order for Kristin Baja, a Climate and Resilience Planner at Baltimore City’s Office of Sustainability. Baja and ten others will be honored as White House Champions of Change for Climate Equity.Baja is being recognized for her work in implementing climate change resiliency programs for Baltimore’s most vulnerable communities. The White House event will be live streamed on Friday, July 15, at 2:30 p.m. EST.
Since joining the Office of Sustainability in 2012, Baja has been busy. She was the lead on crafting Baltimore’s heavy-duty Disaster Preparedness Plan. A must-read for every Baltimorean, the plan’s intent is to help Baltimore better prepare for climate change. City government is planning 50 strategies with 231 actions. A key strategy is to ensure that Baltimore’s drinking water and electricity systems can withstand extreme weather events.