NAHU Installs New Board for 2016-2017


The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) recently installed its 2016-2017 Board of Trustees at its 86th Annual Convention and Exhibition in Albuquerque, NM.

Jim Stenger was installed as NAHU president. Jim entered the health insurance business in 1973 and worked for two large insurance companies and two international employee benefit brokerage firms in New York. In 1986, he joined NAS Financial Services as an owner and it became one of the largest general agencies in New Jersey. BenefitMall purchased NAS Financial Services in 2010 where Jim served as director of business development.

Jim and his wife, Marilyn, continue to dedicate their efforts to helping health insurance brokers develop their leadership, management, strategic planning and marketing techniques. During his membership in NAHU, he has served on several boards and committees as a regional, state and local leader and has received numerous awards for his efforts.

“I am privileged and excited to serve with such a fine group of colleagues as we begin our new year of advocacy for improved healthcare financing solutions for all Americans,” Stenger said. “Our members are highly-skilled, well-prepared professionals who assist individuals, seniors, and companies of all sizes with their healthcare plans. Our members are America’s benefit specialists. Their mission is to protect the consumer’s future.”

The 2016-2017 Board of Trustees:

President - James R. Stenger, MVS Consulting, Fort Myers, FL

President Elect - Mike Embry, Comerica Insurance Services, Inc., Chesterfield Twp., MI

Vice President - Rusty Rice, Avesis, Inc., San Antonio, TX

Treasurer - Patricia Griffey, The Healy Group, South Bend, IN

Secretary - Dane Rianhard, TriBridge Partners, LLC, Baltimore, MD

Immediate Past President- Don Goldmann, Word and Brown, Orange, CA

Membership Chair - Paige Phillips, AWM, Inc., Calera, AL

Legislative Chair - Dave Mordo, SlatteryGA, A division of Arthur J. Gallagher, Middletown, NJ

Region I Vice President - Paul Smith, Paul E. Smith Insurance, LLC, Southington, CT

Region II Vice President - Erica Hain, Keystone Insurers Group, Inc., Northumberland, PA

Region III Vice President - Denise VanPutten, HUB International, Grand Rapids, MI

Region IV Vice President - Alycia Riedl, Willis of Minnesota, Inc., St. Louis Park, MN

Region V Vice President - Julian Lago, Benezon, Boynton Beach, FL

Region VI Vice President - Kelly Fristoe, Financial Partners, Wichita Falls, TX

Region VII Vice President - Rosanne Wolfe, Wolfe Insurance & Consultants LLC, Tucson, AZ

Region VIII Vice President - Linda Rose Koehler, Herzog Insurance Agency, Pleasanton, CA

The National Association of Health Underwriters represents more than 100,000 professional health insurance agents and brokers who provide insurance for millions of Americans. NAHU is headquartered in Washington, DC. For more information, visit

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