Tyrell Dixon
Project Own uses a mobile friendly site in partnership with Neighborhood Housing Services of Baltimore (NHS) to get Baltimore residents — especially Black residents — financially ready for homeownership.
In the United States, 44% of Black families own homes, as opposed to 73% of white families, according to a 2019 report by real estate brokerage Redfin, which analyzed U.S. Census data. In an effort to improve Black homeownership through an app and mobile friendly site, Project Own pairs users with financial counselors to get them mortgage-ready. It is working with NHS Baltimore, an organization dedicated to sustainable homeownership and helping people achieve dreams of homeownership.
“[Homeownership] is an enormous problem that’s really the root of lack of upward socioeconomic mobility and wealth creation in the Black community,” said Tyrell Dixon cofounder of Project Own. The venture was one of the 13 companies that recently completed programming in Loyola University Maryland’s Baltipreneurs Accelerator.