2020 has been anything but tame. How often have you heard the phrase “unprecedented times” in the last 10 months? Being in the tech industry, cloudtamer.io’s transition into remote work was likely more seamless than most, but this year has presented challenges and obstacles we could never have seen coming. The way our young company has continued to respond to this crisis will set the tone not only for 2021, but also for years to come. We’ve always strived to build an exceptional team and when you focus on your people, it makes getting through the tough times that much easier.
Where the pandemic has pushed us to new limits, it has created room for growth in how we communicate and engage with our team. We’ve responded to this global crisis with quick and frequent updates to our team. When everything in the world becomes uncertain, it is critical to establish a cadence of regular team communication to keep everyone on the same page. While most of us have not returned to the office since March, companywide connection has been amplified.
Tools like Slack and Zoom have been the backbone of our communication strategies. We have focused on communicating general company information and ensuring staff can connect with each other to build those work relationships we all need. Some of these methods have been as simple as our CEO’s weekly emails on the latest news. On the technology side, we’ve implemented Donut’s Slack integration to help employees make deeper engagement with coworkers and meet coworkers they may have never interacted with. We’re adding new Slack channels as fast as we are hiring new team members, from #fellow-pelotonians to #nobody-cares-about-your-pets.