Mindgrub launches its first-ever Games for Good initiative. The goal? To connect and rally employees, promote health and well-being, and most importantly give back to the community.
“The pandemic has made us even more intentional and creative about how we engage our employees, build a strong virtual culture, and set team members up for success,” said Todd Marks, CEO of Mindgrub. “Making sure we contribute to the well-being of our community, too, is a top priority.”
Mindgrub employees from all departments, including leadership, have been randomly assigned to one of four teams. From November 9th to December 17th, the teams will compete against one another in several challenges, including a six-week Step Challenge, to unlock donations to selected nonprofits which the teams get to choose.
“We wanted to bring our annual Mindgrub Olympics to the virtual world, and adding a charitable component seemed like a no-brainer,” said Kim Paradise, Mindgrub Chief of Staff and Head of the Charitable Giving Committee. “Games for Good provides an opportunity to give back to our local community while connecting with coworkers in a fun and exciting way.”
“With the Step Challenge, we’re able to incorporate physical activity into our virtual challenge line up. We’re challenging everyone to reach a collective ten million steps over the six-week period to unlock additional donations to their chosen nonprofit organizations,” Paradise added.
The Step Challenge will be tracked on a mobile wellness platform called GivHero. GivHero is an all-in-one health, workout, and donation app, and enables Mindgrub to set goals, view the teams’ progress, and raise money for nonprofits.
Additional activities include themed days, a childhood photo challenge, a Day of Giving, trivia, Pictionary, and more.
Mindgrub will be chronicling Games for Good on their social media platforms. Follow their progress on Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, or through the hashtag #MGGamesforGood.
About Mindgrub | Mindgrub is an award-winning agency and consultancy that transforms businesses by designing technology for people. Our full-service team specializes in enterprise mobile and web development, application support, devOps, digital marketing, branding, user experience design, quality assurance testing, and emerging technologies.
Connect with Mindgrub online at mindgrub.com.