States Where People Need Loans the Most Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic – WalletHub Study


With nearly 39 million Americans becoming jobless during the coronavirus pandemic and 44 percent of Americans expecting to go into more debt because of the crisis, WalletHub today released updated rankings for the States Where People Need Loans the Most Due to Coronavirus, as well as accompanying videos. Greater interest in getting a loan indicates that more people in the state are struggling to make ends meet.

In order to determine where people are most in need of loans as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, WalletHub combined internal credit report data with data on Google search increases for three loan-related terms in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A.
States Where People Need Loans the MostStates Where People Need Loans the Least
1. North Carolina42. District of Columbia
2. New York43. Montana
3. Nebraska44. New Hampshire
4. Minnesota45. South Dakota
5. Kansas46. Delaware
6. Washington47. Hawaii
7. Tennessee48. North Dakota
8. Georgia49. Alaska
9. Indiana50. Rhode Island
10. Texas51. Vermont


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