Patricia B. Jefferson
Miles & Stockbridge is pleased to announce that Patricia B. Jefferson, a principal in the firm’s Baltimore office, has been honored by The M&A Advisor with its Emerging Leaders Award.
Now in their 10th year, the Emerging Leaders Awards recognize and celebrate the achievements of M&A, financing and turnaround professionals under age 40 who have reached a significant level of success and made notable contributions to their industry and community. Honorees are chosen from a pool of nominees by an independent judging panel of industry leaders.
“Patti has established herself as a leader inthe bankruptcy bar and within the community of turnaround professionals in our region,”said Nancy W. Greene, chairman of Miles & Stockbridge. “She has played a notable role in expanding opportunities for women and diverse professionals in industrygroups, while also building a sophisticated practice that blends bankruptcy litigation, workouts and restructuring.”
Jefferson represents clients in bankruptcy and turnaround matters and has significant experience handling complex real estate and financing transactions. Her practice has a particular focus on the acquisition, management, and enforcement of rights in distressed real estate and the negotiation of complex restructurings on behalf of secured creditors.
In May, Jefferson was ranked by Chambers and Partners for the fifth consecutive year as a leader in bankruptcy and restructuring in Maryland. She is a past president of the Turnaround Management Association’s Chesapeake chapter and is the immediate past president of the Maryland Bankruptcy Bar Association.
In 2018, Jefferson was named to The Daily Record’s VIP List, which recognizes Maryland professionals under age 40 for their professional accomplishments and community service.
Jefferson received her Emerging Leaders award at a black tie gala at the New York Athletic Club.
About Miles & Stockbridge
Miles & Stockbridge is a leading law firm with offices across Maryland and in Virginia and Washington, D.C. Its lawyers help global, national, local and emerging business clients preserve and create value by helping them solve their most challenging problems. For more information about the firm, visit its website and follow the firm on Twitter.