So this is Christmas. ... What exactly have the Baltimore Ravens done?
There's a term I regularly use to describe the 2016 Ravens season on Glenn Clark Radio: "football purgatory." The concept is simple. The team hasn't been good enough to really be considered "good" at any point. It hasn't been bad enough to be characterized as "bad" at any point. Its best wins were home victories against teams that are also fighting for playoff spots (Pittsburgh, Miami), and the majority of its losses have come to teams that are comfortably in the playoffs.
This season has mostly just … happened. There hasn't been much reason for joy, but there hasn't been real reason for despair, either. At few points have the Ravens looked like Super Bowl contenders, but there's never been a point (perhaps outside of a 24-16 loss to the New York Jets Oct. 23) we didn't believe they were a legitimate playoff contender either.